PRSA CommsConnect MAY 2023

The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) CommsConnect conference in Orlando, Florida was awesome and a great opportunity for Advita Patel and I to present our book content for the first time. Here are some highlights: – Advita and I presented in person for the first time ever and confirmed that we are a great […]

The world is not standing still. You shouldn’t either

I spend a lot of time talking to people on my computer and as much as I would love to see people IRL again, I’m reflecting on the relationships I’ve built and continue to grow online. In 2021 alone: I hired my personal assistant, Charm, to get manage my schedule. She lives in the Philippines […]

Why do we struggle with Influential Conversations?

Sometimes Internal Communication and HR professionals struggle with the difficult conversations that influence leaders. We both have a unique vantage point that puts people first. We understand the nuances and the politics and can often see them objectively. I had the pleasure of supporting an IC professional in a conversation with leadership recently. We connected […]

Do you want to become a Top Employer in Canada?

At this time of year, I support organizations wanting to be recognized as Top Employers in Canada. Some have been through the application process and question why they have not been successful, others are stepping in for the first time. What I have learned over the last 20 years, is that all Top Employer Programs […]

Why are we asking leaders to be more human?

What do we mean when we’re asking leaders to be more human? I genuinely want to ask the question since I’m starting to hear the word used more and more lately, especially here on LinkedIn. I understand when some colleagues use human when comparing to technology – robots, artificial intelligence, the metaverse. We need more […]

Make it Personal

What if the future is personal? What if the true answer to inclusion, belonging, engagement and productivity was not about treating everyone the same, but in unique ways that matter to each and every one. The last couple of years as we’ve navigated the chaos – the accumulative impacts of the pandemic; the increased focus […]

Progress not Perfect

I often use the phrase, “Progress not Perfect.” It’s my way of saying we don’t need for everything to be perfect in order to step forward and do the right things. I’ve been thinking about these words a lot lately. Especially when there is an effort to move forward, yet we live in a world […]

Making a difference from the Inside Out

I simply believe we can make a bigger difference from the inside out. When I was a Manager of Marketing, Sales and Corporate Communication, I had a lightbulb moment. I wore many hats helping with a business rebranding, managing media and public relations, advising executives, communicating change to the sales floor to help them contribute […]

How to Manage Communication for Results and Value

On Thursday January 20, 2022, Priya Bates, president of Inner Strength Communication was pleased to provide a Canadian, diverse and Internal Communication perspective on a global conversation on How to Manage Communication for Results and Value hosted by Shel Holtz on the FIR Network. Fellow guests included: Stephanie Maria Griffiths is the senior partner of Cohesion, […]

Inner Strength is a CAMSC Certified Supplier

As organizations make strive to progress on their diversity, inclusion and equity plans, many have identified supplier diversity as a priority step. After all, it may take longer to change the diverse make-up of employees, managers and executives than to hire for diversity and benefit from different perspectives sooner. But how do you know that […]

Understanding Your Values

Values are part of who we are. They are things we feel more than things we think. They help us navigate through life and understand how we contribute to the world. Jackie Le Fèvre, director of Magma Effort, spoke with the A Leader Like Me Nest community about the importance of understanding your values. In […]

Top Internal Communication trends, challenges, and opportunities for 2021

Guy Britt, Global Head of Co-Worker Communication, Ingka Group–IKEA Looking ahead to 2021, I believe that one of the biggest issues with many communicators today is that they’ve forgotten about the critical importance of speed, simplicity, and action – and are making what we do unnecessarily complicated and slow. Endless strategizing and alignment-seeking; 10 communicators […]