Do you work in the past, present or future?

A conversation with a colleague had me thinking of how I work and add value. I said to him that I work in the future. When a project gets started, all I see is results and potential, and I know instinctively what needs to be done to get there; but not everyone is like this. […]

The IABC Brand: A look back

On Monday, June 1, 2015, the International Association of Business Communicators will launch a new brand after a year and half of dedication by a terrific group of volunteers and with the support of creative agency, Arcas Advertising. I was honoured to lead this effort. On Monday, many will focus on a new look and […]

The importance of context

A conversation with a former supplier got me thinking about the importance of context. As communicators and executives, we often begin a communication plan with our own needs to provide information. It’s about what we have to tell them versus what they, our audience, wants and/or needs to know. Here’s what I’ve learned. The content […]

What if we changed the conversation for communication success?

Internal Client (IC): I need internal communication quickly!Communication Professional (CP): Why?IC: Because we need to get a memo out from the VP of HR as soon as possible.CP: Why?IC: Because I promised her we would send one by Friday. This scenario can play out a few different ways. When the communication professional says “Yes,” and simply takes the order and […]

Are you really communicating or just creating a lot of noise?

We all know those people who love to hear the sound of their own voices. They are usually the ones we soon learn to stop listening to and start ignoring. Internal Communication can have the same result. It’s when the organization, communicator or the communication professional loves the process more than the result, the tactic […]

Internal Communication for business success from the inside-out

A few years ago, I was asked to speak to a college class on Internal Communication and I wanted it to be compelling. I wanted to open their eyes to the excitement of Internal Communication helping an organization achieve its goals. So I decided to create a more impactful, memorable explanation of what I love […]