Communicator’s Toolbox #3 – Making Recognition Social

Reading Time: 3 minutes

My relationship with Steven Green at TemboSocial began more than 10 years ago. At the beginning, he had a company called PollStream that provided polling solutions for websites. Its polling tool was used primarily by marketing and digital clients to create conversations with customers.

When I first saw the tool, which provided a really user-friendly content management system and reporting, I realized that it was something I could use internally at HP Canada to drive the employee conversation…and it worked. Steven helped me use the solution to get a pulse of employee opinion and create conversation. It was the first time Steven had tested his technology in the internal space …and the rest is history.

TemboSocial now develops tools targeted for creating community, conversation and collaboration in the internal/employee environment. Apparently I’m in the TemboSocial Hall of Fame…because this little experiment with PollStream caused the organization to rethink its focus and accelerate its growth, being an early pioneer of internal social tools.

Today, TemboSocial builds technology tools that drive engagement and performance withEmployee RecognitionIdea CollaborationSurveys, Forms & Polls, and Commenting.

Where they’ve had tremendous success with their clients across North America is with their employee recognition plug-in called TemboSocial Recognition.

Tool Talk



TemboSocial transforms recognition into a business asset by celebrating success and reinforcing desired behaviors. This social tool allows employees to recognize peers, managers and direct reports in an internal social space that is plugged into a company’s existing intranet. As opposed to formal, expensive reward systems designed to recognize the big achievements of a few top performers, TemboSocial Recognition focuses on the little things employees do every day to live the organization’s values, serve customers and internal partners, and deliver results. Not only does it provide a purposeful internal social tool for employees to share their stories, it also creates a recognition culture that shows gratitude and appreciation. For the clients who use TemboSocial Recognition, it’s been a feel-good tool that engages employees and creates buzz through story-telling.

Nuts & Bolts




TemboSocial Recognition is a technology plug-in that integrates easily and seamlessly into the following intranet platforms – IBM Solutions, SharePoint, Jive and Igloo. For employees, their ability to recognize colleagues is simply a part of their existing intranet and easy to use. Permissions and what employees see can be customized and personalized through the organization’s Active Directory, allowing them to view recognition relevant to their team, department, and country. On the back-end, TemboSocial Recognition provides people managers with a daily digest of when members on their teams have been recognized, helping them archive relevant information for performance reviews and get measurement that’s tied to business results. For the company, it allows them to gain a pulse on values and brand promises coming to life through story-telling that can also be shared through traditional communication channels.

Does it Measure up?
According to Gallup, 71% of employees don’t feel recognized, leading to issues with retention, performance, and results. Tembosocial provides its clients with easy ways to track recognition and behaviour at a team, department and organizational level. It provides managers with daily reports. It provides the organization with stories from employees that reinforce values, brand promises, strategy, and culture. It gets employees engaged in the process on a daily basis. Reports can also be easily correlated to employee engagement, customer experience and business results. In fact, one client, WSPS a.k.a. Workplace Safety and Prevention Services, saw a 30% increase in Employee Engagement Scores after deploying TemboSocial Recognition.

The true measure is the growth TemboSocial has seen with the tool itself and customers willing to renew the annual license fee. It’s used by the many of Canada’s major banks and other organizations including Cleveland Clinic, Kodak, State Farm, Fifth Third Bank, New Relic, and WSPS. Apart from initial implementation costs, the tool runs about $2/employee annually.

I have to admit that I’m pretty excited about Recognition and TemboSocial’s full suite on internal solutions. I’ve often said that our most important role as internal communication professionals is to not simply communicate on behalf of our organizations, but to influence how their organizations communicate. Tools like TemboSocial Recognition allow employees to share the stories that bring the organization, its values and its brand to life.

I’m pleased to have been a part of helping focus TemboSocial on the very important internal communication space. After all, I’ve always believed that the biggest impact we can make is from the inside out.

For more information, check out the TemboSocial’s video on Recognition or connect with them to book a demo and let them know that Priya Bates sent you.

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