Creative Business Development: Coffee Chat with Martha Muzychka

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Martha Muzychka led last week’s Coffee Chat conversation about creative business development.

Although Coffee Chats are not recorded, so that attendees have a safe space to drive connection and conversation, we wanted to share some highlights:

Look around you and find an object that is red. Write down at least three words you associate with the object…the first words that come to mind. Now, using three of those words, ask yourself “What opportunities do you see for yourself right now?” and write a sentence to answer the question. 

As an exercise, Martha uses this question to help us understand how to look at creative thinking. It is disrupting the pattern we have built as a habit into the ways of working. 

Limitations can create definition

When we are adjusting to an uncertain time, we often focus on the disruption and pause in the things we can do. What we may not realize is that within limitations, we can find opportunity. Martha advises that these boundaries give us the opportunity to shape and create meaning. Instead of thinking we are stuck in one place, we can use the constraints to employ counter-intuitive thinking and find the opportunities that are not always in plain sight. 

Make the most of the constraints

It’s time to think differently. We’ve seen plenty of examples of industry and organizations that have shifted their core products to fit the current needs of COVID-19 – Bauer making face shields and distilleries making hand sanitizer . What are you good at and how is that skill needed during these times? Martha says being creative is understanding what the constraint means. Ask yourself “What can I do?” and move away from “What can’t I do?”

Talk it out

When Martha works with her clients, rather than asking what their goals are, she asks them to draw a picture of their goals. It is easy to see the change visually opposed to writing the words. By changing the conversations and making the connection, we can talk about our ideas. Take the time to express your fears and your hopes. Say it out loud, write it down, draw a picture, connect with a friend. By releasing the negative voice in your head, there is an opportunity to start looking at solutions. 

Find a different perspective

Take a step back. So many of us look through one lens and Martha spoke about looking at different perspectives. Sometimes we spend a lot of time looking closely, we don’t normally think about the bigger picture. When we change the way we look at the situation, we can access the opportunities we would not have considered. Just changing how we look at the constraints, we are able to use this time to refresh and recharge. 

As we look to move forward, Martha offers some questions to ask yourself:

  • What can you learn?
  • What are your needs?
  • What can you change?
  • What can you make better?
  • What are your opportunities?

Take the time you have now to ask yourself some tough questions and you may be surprised at the inspiration you find to move forward. 

Looking to join the conversation? Right now, we have two Coffee Chats a week featuring special guests on a variety of topics. 

For Wednesday 9AM ET Coffee Chats in May, register here

May 27: Puja Misra: Building your Personal Brand

For Thursday Noon ET Coffee Chats in May, register here

May 28: Bonnie Caver: Accelerating your Brand during Recovery 

Coming soon in June, conversations with:

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