How to Manage Communication for Results and Value

Reading Time: < 1 minute

On Thursday January 20, 2022, Priya Bates, president of Inner Strength Communication was pleased to provide a Canadian, diverse and Internal Communication perspective on a global conversation on How to Manage Communication for Results and Value hosted by Shel Holtz on the FIR Network.

Fellow guests included:

Stephanie Maria Griffiths is the senior partner of Cohesion, Communication Research and Development, Johannesburg South Africa, which she founded in 1990.

Cindy Schmieg is an award-winning strategic communicator. With 30+ years of corporate, agency, and consulting experience, Cindy now teaches online within the Communications Master Degree program at Southern New Hampshire. 

Jim Shaffer is an internationally recognized business adviser, leadership coach, author, speaker and leader of the Jim Shaffer Group, a team of seasoned advisers devoted to improving strategy execution through strong leaders and engaged people.

It was wondering participating in this incredible conversation.

My key take-aways?


  • Communication professionals must focus on value versus volume. Otherwise they risk creating noise that teaches employees and their audiences to ignore them.

  • We should connect our work to impacts on the business – Recruitment, Retention, Risk, Reputation, and Results

  • Sometimes when we do our job well, nothing happens. One of our roles is to limit disruption and keep people focused. Let’s take credit for that up front.


 You can watch or listen to the episode recording here:

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