Making a difference from the Inside Out

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I simply believe we can make a bigger difference from the inside out.

When I was a Manager of Marketing, Sales and Corporate Communication, I had a lightbulb moment. I wore many hats helping with a business rebranding, managing media and public relations, advising executives, communicating change to the sales floor to help them contribute effectively to the bottom line. I realized that when I was advising executives, the biggest impact happened when I had them lead the conversation on strategy and answer questions to help employees understand. The biggest changes to sales happened when I helped build programs to help representatives communicate consistently and focus on the products and services that would build profit versus volume. When we launched a brand, the magic happened when employees delivered consistently on our promises.

I connect dots between strategy and action, values and behaviour, brand promises and customer experiences. At my best, I drive connection, consistency, collaboration and community. Internal Communication is the gap that exists when leaders simply shrug their shoulders not understanding why employees resisted, why they didn’t deliver, why they didn’t understand. They never ask themselves why they didn’t invest enough into closing the gap that would help manage change and deliver results.

Internal Communication is an integral enabler of organizational success. I have used my philosophies to help organizations navigate mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, reorganizations, digital implementations, and transformational change with limited disruption and increased engagement.

With proactive efforts, crisis is an opportunity for engagement. A chance to bring an organization together. To collectively build a new story and a brighter future. It’s like magic.

The organizations I have worked with have been recognized as top employers, most admired corporate cultures and have delivered record results when going through transformational change.

With Inner Strength Communication, we use our expertise to enable, engage and empower employees to manage change and deliver results. We’re willing to teach your people teams how to focus on communication to drive the employee and customer experience.

Connect with me if you want to drive real engagement and measurable results. It’s easy to find me on twitter and instagram under @priyabates

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